Directed by Tod “Kip” Williams (Paranormal Activity 2, The Door in the Floor, Cell).
Helldiver is a story between the US and Japan set in the Pacific Ocean during World War II. Edward and Hiro, two young enemy pilots, are shot down and stranded on a sinking downed fighter plane, lost at sea. They must battle to survive, against one another, and what lies beneath.
Mar Vivo Films has provided consulting services in the development phase, advising for the film to be shot in Malaysia together with international crews from Asia. Coupled with a world-class facility at the Pinewood-designed studio in Southern Malaysia, the government offers indeed up to 35% cash rebate on local expenses, which surely is a strong appeal for international companies to come and produce their movies in the country.
In addition to line production consultancy, Mar Vivo Films also introduced Asian financiers to invest in the film, notably bringing the picture to an official selection at the Tokyo Gap-Financing Market of the Tokyo International Film Festival, which is one of the very few A-list film festivals in Asia.
Official Selection: Tokyo Gap-Financing Market 2022